
Running is one of the most widely used cardio training types that exists. This is because you don’t need a gym or any deep knowledge about it (unless you are doing long distance). Just go out and run! I also like running and have done multiple half marathons and the Copenhagen Marathon in 2014 (with a result 3h27m). I believe that running is definitely a very good way to loose weight and get toned muscles in the legs , however it’s harsh on the knees and generally is hard for the bones that keep pressing the body weight on the ground. That is the main reason that I now run rarely and mostly do short interval training as an effective way to build strength and burn lots of calories efficiently. I usually also run to and from work, which is 3.5 km away and that is considered a perfect distance for a normal workout. The other thing with the running is that when you train for an event, you need to run a lot and that will drain you. You will eat a lot, but you will still loose weight. I lost about 10kg after my marathon training that lasted about 4 months. The less you weight, the better and easier it is to run! Nevertheless, I do advice to run short distances up to 5km a couple of days a week or so as a minimum.

I will share more on how to train for long distance running events as well some examples of interval training.


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